Monday, August 26, 2019

Psalm 119:127-128 Because

Why do so many deer run in front of cars and cause collisions?

A Google search found several answers for this, all of which are part of the explanation.

The deer's instinct is to focus almost exclusively on whatever it's doing at the present moment. As the deer approaches a road, he or she may be focused on a food source on the other side of the road. Or maybe the focus is on following the other deer in the herd or family grouping. Or, during rut season, the focus is on deer of the opposite gender.

A car coming down the street is no competition for whatever has the deer's attention, until the very last moment.

In that last moment, when the deer's peripheral vision picks up on the approaching vehicle and recognizes a possible threat, the deer's instinct is to leap in a random direction. That randomness serves him well if the attacker is a mountain lion, causing the predator a moment's confusion while the swift deer runs away. It doesn't serve the deer well if the random direction it leaps is into the path of the oncoming vehicle.

If a deer turns to look at the car, the headlights are apt to blind him. The front of the deer's eyes are heavy with photo-receptors and the bright light will temporarily blind the animal. Since the majority of deer-vehicle collisions take place at night, the deer's excellent night vision actually work against it when faced with such a blinding artificial light source.

Someone who sees everything through the lens of evolution would say the deer evolved that way as the best way to survive in a pre-headlights world. It makes more sense to me to appreciate that God designed deer to survive.

In short, deer are prone to collide with cars and trucks because, well, they're deer. They're acting like the Creator designed deer to act.

Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold
and because I consider all your precepts right, I hate every wrong path.

Psalm 119:127-128
Because I'm God's servant, I love his commands and I value righteousness.

I also hate unrighteousness. The more I become the person God intends for me to be, the more I will instinctively avoid the detours on the one road of life. I'll remain focused on the path God lays out before me.

 It's who God designed me to be.

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