Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Psalm 119:57 You Are My Portion

You are my portion, Lord; I have promised to obey your words.

Psalm 119:57
Our son, Cody, enjoyed the advantages of life as an only child throughout most of his childhood.

When we would visit his cousins in Kansas, the difference in their lives compared to his was a huge culture shock for him. His Uncle Chuck and Aunt Nancy had 14 children.

He noticed the difference in an elemental way at mealtime. Aunt Nancy would portion out the available food among the children, Cody bringing the number to 15. Those portions were significantly smaller than what Cody was used to.

When he asked me about it later, I explained that everyone got what they needed. He might be used to getting more, but the portion he got was the same as all his happy, healthy, rambunctious cousins.

It seems to be a part of human nature to always want more. In the 21st century we see that played out in the consumer culture. It isn't enough to have a phone that provides the basic things we need. There's always a newer model with options and features we didn't even know we wanted, but now we just have to have them.

We carry that desire for more over to our relationship with God, forgetting that He has promised to give us everything we need.
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

II Peter 1:3-4
God Himself is enough. The closer I get to Him and the more I allow His divine nature to permeate my character, the greater my portion of Him.

The goal of Bible meditation should always be to know the heart of God. As both Peter and David agree, knowing and obeying His Word - and His heart - is the key to enjoying God as my portion.

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