Monday, July 6, 2020

Psalm 119:168 Known

I obey your precepts and your statutes,
for all my ways are known to you. 

Psalm 119:168 
When I was young I took great pride in knowing myself and knowing the world around me. I can remember proudly telling my dad how self-aware I was one day while we were on our way somewhere in the car. I told him I had a special talent for for it.

I was extremely aware of his indifference, as evidenced by the distracted grunt he delivered as his response. I, in all my magnificent self-awareness, was completely unaware that I was full of baloney.

In college I told one of my friends that I always have a reason for every little thing I do. She told me that was kind of creepy.

I still can come across to people like I have an enormous amount of self confidence. I know who I am and I don't pretend to be something I'm not.

That's generally true. The problem is, I'm not always very proud of who I know myself to be.

I've learned I'm most confident when I trust God to know who I am. He knows everything about me. And in His Word I continually read things that strike me directly in the heart of who I am.

If only I had learned years earlier that the true key to knowing myself is through the precepts and statutes of the one who truly knows me.

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