May my supplication come before you;The most joyful and productive way to travel on the road of life is with continuous two-way communication with God. Supplications from you to God; promises from God to you.
deliver me according to your promise.
Psalm 119:170
Too often our supplications come in the form of random requests to God for help, while we're living life as we please. A more productive approach is to talk to God while reading about His promises in His Word. Put those promises to test in your life while asking God to help you live them out. Two way communication.
Since my heart attack I've prayed a lot to the Lord.
Oh Lord, won't you carry me over to another day of life, another year, another decade of life? I'm in a tough spot, Lord. Here's what I need. Give me what I want.
That's one-way communication.
My prayer life has been much more effective and joyful when I've buried myself in His Word and His promises. What does He have to say about living a healthy life? What are His promises for people who focus on a life spent serving Him?
Every day I refresh my knowledge of His promises and His purposes, to motivate myself for the day ahead. While I consider His Word, I pray for His help in living the the life He's laid out for me. I thank Him each morning for carrying me over to another day: a new day to find new ways to praise Him and draw others to Him.
Life on the one road can be hard. But you don't have to walk it alone.
Isn't it a long hard road, baby,
Isn't it a long hard road;
Isn't it a long hard road, baby,
Isn't it a long hard road;
But doesn't it feel good to know, baby,
You don't have to walk it alone.
Five Man Electrical Band