Monday, May 4, 2020

Psalm 119:160 Tethered to Truth

All your words are true;
 all your righteous laws are eternal.

Psalm 119:160
How often can you count on words to be true? In the 21st century, less often than ever.

During the past few months the facts and stories we've been told about the coronavirus pandemic have been shifting around faster than most of us can keep up. From one day to the next we watch as scientists contradict other scientists, politicians interpret the science according to whatever fits their political agenda, and the internet and social media are full of intentionally misleading and alarming pseudo-news aimed at sowing seeds of chaos and panic.

It's not new with this current crisis, though.

Increasingly over the past few years it's become common to see tweets and hear official statements from political leaders that are contradictory to verifiable fact or are the opposite of what the record shows they said previously. It's become a regular feature on Twitter and other platforms for some enterprising person to dig up a previous tweet or video clip of a politician making the exact opposite statement of "fact" or declaration of "principle" as whatever they're now saying.

But it's soon to become even more difficult to count on words being true. Adobe demos “photoshop for audio,” lets you edit speech as easily as text
Adobe has demonstrated tech that lets you edit recorded speech so that you can alter what that person said or create an entirely new sentence from their voice. It seems inevitable that it will eventually be referred to as "photoshop but for audio."

The tech, dubbed VoCo (voice conversion), presents the user with a text box. Initially the text box shows the spoken content of the audio clip. You can then move the words around, delete fragments, or type in entirely new words. When you type in a new word, there's a small pause while the word is constructed—then you can press play and listen to the new clip.
Here's a video of the demonstration.

Thank God - literally - that we can trust in His words. All of His words are true.  And they will remain true for all eternity, no matter how much our culture is cut loose of any tether to truth.

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