Monday, June 17, 2019

Psalm 119:118 Delusions

Signs from *M*A*S*H*
The TV show *MA*S*H* is another example of a sociological study of people trapped in extreme circumstances. In this case, though, the whole thing was played for laughs. There was plenty of tragedy and pathos during its 11 seasons, but it was primarily a comedy.

During the first four seasons of the show's run, Majors Frank Burns and Margaret Houlihan were cast in the role of judge and jury over the wayward behavior of everyone else in the camp. Many episodes centered around Frank and Margaret trying to make sure someone was reprimanded for their actions.

And they were right. The people of M*A*S*H* 4077 were frequently guilty of drunkenness, philandering, promiscuity, gambling, cross-dressing, disrespect, insubordination, and a host of other conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.

There was just one problem. In addition to being judgmental, mean-spirited, and self-righteous, the two majors were involved with one another in ways unfit for a married doctor and the head nurse.
You reject all who stray from your decrees,
for their delusions come to nothing. 

Psalm 119:118
It's easy to read this verse as describing the people who stray from God's decrees as being caught up in delusions.

And they are. They're deluded in thinking any amount of money, possessions, fame, or power will give them the peace and joy they crave. They make the wrong choices repeatedly, returning to the same futile schemes in pursuit of a good life.

But what about those of us who pretend we're the good ones, as though we never stray like those other people? We're also deluded, just like Frank and Margaret. We stray from God's decrees when we dabble in legalism and criticism, gossip and meanness, self-righteousness and hypocrisy.

We're all on this road together.

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