Monday, October 24, 2011

Radical Christianity

I know a lot of people think the life of a Christian must be very boring.  Actually, I'm pretty sure that a lot of Christians think the life of a Christian is pretty tame and boring.

Don't do this.  Don't do that.  Can't participate in that.  Avoid this at all costs.

If only they knew.

If only they knew that a person who gets to the "root" of being a Christian, the radical-root of opening yourself and your life up to whatever Divine Appointments God puts in front of you every day - that sort of radical Christianity is anything but boring.

That small nudging that God gave us over 25 years ago to say "yes" to foster parenting - that has continued to make our lives very interesting, very non-boring.

That quiet but insistent invitation God sent through his servant Roy Weece 6 or 7 years ago - "I need you to help out with the prison ministry" - has not only made our Monday nights an endless source of surprise and adventure, but continues to provide ample opportunities for non-boring involvement in the lives of struggling ex-offenders.

Every day He puts people in our paths, opportunities in our laps and suggestions in our minds - small seeds that grow into grand adventures for Him.

Get to the root of righteousness and keep the eyes of your heart open for those Divine Appointments.
radical: late 14c. (adj.), in a medieval philosophical sense, from L.L. radicalis "of or having roots," from L. radix (gen. radicis) "root" (see radish). Meaning "going to the origin, essential" is from 1650s.
(Online Etymology Dictionary)

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